Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday Throwaways

I was just talking to some of my counterparts at the Proudly Bland Association( PBA) and they are as up in arms as any proudly bland person can be about Bochy. The concern is Boch' has carried his own unique blandness to even blander levels then the BPA recommends. Paper towels generate more excitement than Mr Vanilla. Consternation amongst the bland is not a pretty picture.

When is MLB going to finally address that crucial rule change that allows for ghost runners. How many times do they have to see players cruelly felled by hamstring pulls running the entire 270 feet from 1st to home before they act? Sure, these guys are highly paid athletes but to expect a guy to run for 15 straight seconds is inhumane. Ghost runners save on laundry costs too.

It's bad enough that Furcal and Pierre are Dodgers but do they have to emulate Neifi Perez too? As punishment for those ridiculous slug bunt deals they should be forced to listen to the complete Barry Manilow catalogue performed by accordian players jamming with bagpipers. They do that every day over at BPA. Seligula knows the secret handshake. Let's facilitate this punishment post haste.

Rajai is really fast and he made a nice throw. He will remain my favorite Giants player up and until such time as he does something to vex me. I am nothing if not fair..

1 comment:

johnfromnj said...

I can't help but go with Lincecum as my favorite. Rajai will have to do a little more for me. I hope he is not sent down when Morris' replacement is activated.