Friday, May 25, 2007


I am not a big fan of the sacrifice bunt. I understand there may be a time when it's a good strategy, particularly when pitchers are at the plate but mostly it's just giving away outs. Should this Giants offense give away outs regularly?

A few games back, Ryan Klesko had a big game and included with a jack and a double he had a magnanimous and fundamentally sound sacrifice bunt. But why? If memory serves, and mine seldom earns a fat tip for service, Randy Winn opened an inning with a double and Bochy had Klesko bunt him over to 3rd. By the way, I don't really know much about Bochy but he appears to embody a palette of colorless imagination that leaves me begging for the complexity of beige. However, that is a horse of a different color. I believe we were talking about sacrifice bunts.

Klesko's bunt worked. Winn got to third and eventually scored. There were compelling reasons to let ol' Klesko swing away too. Winn was already in scoring postion. Klesko tends to pull the ball when he hits it on the ground. Teams have taken to an over shift when he is at the plate so it's no secret. He is also a big strapping lug that can get an extra base hit setting up a possible crooked number inning. He may have struck out but Winn would still be in scoring position.

Instead, the Giants chose to give up a lot of the potential good clean fun of a big inning and engaged in a strategy that was already old and lifeless when John McGraw was a young manager. It was the safe thing to do. It's certainly been a time tested maneuver. I am not busting Bochy or the Giants for this. You see teams bunt that guy to third in the same situation quite often...It makes me grind my teeth almost every time it happens.

I fully cop to old fogeyism but even I am willing to embrace a far more judicious use of the sacrifice bunt. Swing that bat. Let's get a petition drive together.


Anonymous said...

You are not an old fogey to be pointing out how pointless it is to be giving away outs -- especially with this particular lineup.

I am already a fan of your blog and will be linking to at

obsessivegiantscompulsive said...

You are putting the blame on the wrong person: Bochy was pissed off that Klesko did that on his own. I don't think you will see Klesko doing that again.

In fact, according to Bill James Handbook, which keeps track of such things, Bochy had the least sacrifice bunts of any NL manager in 2006. So, if anything, Bochy is the antithesis of the old-timer manager who loves sac bunts.

Nice blog, I will have to check you out. You might want to set up the Atom function (or something like that) which allows people to see your blog headlines in an RSS reader and determine when new posts are up, I find that helps me peruse other blogs easily. Have fun!

obsessivegiantscompulsive said...

Sorry, I see your Atom link at the bottom now, I only checked your side panels when I looked before; that's where most people put them.

Pat said...

I'm an old school baseball fan, give me a 1-0 game with the winning run a walk, stolen base, ground ball to the right, sacrifice fly type run. However I believe that you are right and that Klesko defiantly should have been swinging away in this situation. I think I'm a little more for the bunt than you are, in fact I now firmly believe that Pedro Feliz should bunt anytime there is a runner on first with less than two outs.

Nice blog by the way, I really enjoy it.