Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Nearly Unforgivable Faux Pas

I have been decidedly remiss in publicly offering my sincere thank yous to my son Tom. He shares more than little blame for the acorn of an idea that grew into the mighty sapling that is EMS. An unwitting English professor innocently suggested that Tom start a little blog to chronicle his adventures in New York City. He drew me into this sordid enterprise by assuring me that at least some person somewhere would link our blogs even if was just he and I linking each other. He reads EMS every day and offers smart criticism. I have to pretend to ignore him to keep that whole stodgy old man /rebellious youth thing percolating but his input helps more than he knows.

Since I am a hopeless dinosaur, about as technical as a spoon, Tom's help in setting up this site has been crucial. He has shown remarkable patience. He is a good guy and I hope that you will take the time to read his stuff. Other than his strange insistence on putting me on hold just to take his girlfriend's calls, I have no complaints.

1 comment:

Tom said...

hey dad, thanks for the thanks. you know, i think you've got something really....wait, can i put you on hold?